About breed

FCI-Standard N ° 143/14. 02 1994 / 


A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE BREED: Doberman Pinscher - the only German breed which bears the name of its founder, Friedrich Louis Dobermann (02.01.1834 - 09.06.1894 gg.). Doberman by occupation was a tax collector, a night policeman and worked in the town knacker's yard, where the dogs could be caught or redeemed for a negligible amount, or they were killed. Particularly vicious dogs kept the Doberman and used for breeding. Major role in the emergence of the breed Dobermans played dog, nicknamed "butcher dogs" and were considered at the time an independent thoroughbred breed. These dogs black dog with rust red markings were the result of interbreeding with the ancestors of Rottweilers Thuringian Shepherds. The main purpose was to obtain breeding Dobermans not only alert, but highly durable and courageous dogs with excellent working qualities developed watchdog and the domestic dog. By the 70 th year of the 19th century, the goal was achieved. Frederick Dobermans bred breed has become widely used as guard and police dogs. Service in the police gave Dobermanns nickname "gendarme dog." Dobermans are also used in the hunt for protection against large predators. No wonder that at the beginning of the next century, the Doberman was officially recognized as a police dog. Doberman Pinscher should have a strong, muscular body of medium size, as well as elegant and noble appearance. It should be an excellent companion, protector, as well as working and family dog.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Dobermann dog of medium size, muscular and strong, but not too massive. Thanks to the elegant lines of its body, its proud and graceful posture, Doberman corresponds to an ideal representation of a dog with normal anatomy.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The format of the Doberman almost square, particularly in males. Body length (from sternum to point of buttock) should not exceed the height at the withers by more than 5% in males and more than 10% in females.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: The Doberman is usually friendly, peace-loving, very attached to his family and loves children. Preferred a moderate temperament, moderate virulence and moderate anxiety. Along with obedience and diligence in the Doberman should pay attention to the presence of protective and fighting instinct, courage and strength of character. Of particular importance for the assessment of a self-confidence and fearlessness while maintaining good contact with the owner.

CRANIAL REGION: Strong commensurate. Seen from above, the head resembles a blunt wedge. Lateral line crown, seen from the front, should be almost horizontal, that is not to fall to the ears. As a continuation of a line parallel to the bridge of the nose, forehead line falls to the back with a slight rounding. Browridges well developed but not protruding. Frontal furrow discernible. Occiput not pronounced. When viewed from the front and top side of the head with flowing lines (not high cheekbones). Easy lateral convexity of the upper jaw and cheek bones in harmony with the total length of the head. Head muscles are strongly developed.
The transition from forehead to muzzle: not sharp, but clearly noticeable.

Nose: The nose is well formed, more broad than round with large nostrils, forward as a whole does not appear. In black dogs nose is black, in brown - brown.
Muzzle: The muzzle should be in proportion to the cranial part of the head, is strongly developed, the opening of the jaws should be deep, reaching to the molars. Muzzle should be of sufficient width in the upper and lower incisors.
Lips: Should be firm, dense and smooth surrounding powerful jaws, providing a complete closure of the mouth. The pigmentation is black, brown dogs - brown.
Teeth / jaw: Upper and lower jaw strong and broad. Scissor bite. 42 healthy, right set tooth standard size.
Eyes: Medium sized, oval and dark in color. Brown dogs allowed a lighter shade. Eyelids lean, tight. Lid margin omitted. The absence of hair on the eyelids highly undesirable.
Ears: Set high, vertical, cropped according to the length of the head. If a country cupping ear smoking, uncropped ears (preferably medium-sized, with a tight-fitting to the cheeks front edges) recognize as equivalent.

NECK: Fairly long proportion to the body and head, dry and muscular. Neck with upward and beautifully curved line, direct and noble deliver.

Withers: Should act in height and length (especially in males) and thus determine the direction of the rising from the croup back line.
Back: Short, strong, broad and muscular.
Loins: Broad and muscular. The bitch may be slightly longer than in the lumbar, as it needs space for the breast.
Croup: Broad and muscular, should be slightly lowered from the sacrum to the base of the tail and seem thereby quite rounded, without being at the same time, either directly or beveled.
Chest: Length and width of chest must be in proportion to the length of the hull, with its depth with slightly arched ribs should be approximately half the height at the withers. Chest fairly broad with a particularly emphatic and severe head-on.
Underline and belly: abdominal wall from the end of the breastbone to the pelvis noticeably picked up.

TAIL: High set and docked short, while maintaining two distinct caudal vertebrae. In countries where docking is prohibited by law in the tail, the tail can be maintained in its natural form.

General appearance: Viewed from all sides are straight, set perpendicular to the ground, with relief muscles.
Shoulders: The blades fit snugly against the chest, the most oblique and well laid back. Blade bone with a strong musculature. The top edge of the blade protrudes above the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae. The angle of inclination to the horizontal is about 50 degrees.
Shoulders: Fair length, well muscled, the angle of the shoulder and shoulder blade is about 105 to 110 degrees.
Elbows: Well-fitting, not inverted.
Forearm: Strong and straight, with well-developed muscles. Length in harmony with the body.
Carpal joint: Strong.
Pastern: boned, straight seen from the front, side, slightly sloping (less than 10 degrees).
Front feet: Short and tight. Fingers arched (cat feet), nails short, black.

General appearance: Viewed from behind Doberman thanks muscled pelvis has wide round hips and croup. Stretching from the pelvis to the thigh and lower leg muscles cause sufficient width at the hip, knee and lower leg. The strong hind legs are straight and parallel.
Thighs: Long and wide, with strong muscles and sufficient flexion angle of the hip joint (about 80 - 85 degrees).
Stifle: the knee joint is strong, formed by the femur and tibia, and patella. The knee joint angle is about 130 degrees.
Lower thigh: Medium length, commensurate with the total length of the hind limbs.
Hocks: Strong, parallel to each other. Tibia and metatarsus are connected to the hock joint at an angle of about 140 degrees.
Hocks: Short, perpendicular to the ground.
Hind feet: Toes short, arched and tight - same as the front. Nails short and black.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Allure has a special meaning for both performance and exterior. Step elastic, elegant, energetic, free, sweeping. Forelegs thrown as far forward. The rear part of the body, like a spring, provides further transfer of necessary force push. The front leg on one side and the back leg with the other hand simultaneously thrown forward. Back, the ligaments and the joints have good strength.

Skin: Skin close fitting to the body, well pigmented.

COAT: Hair is short, hard, dense, tight and smooth against the skin, spread evenly over the entire surface. Availability undercoat is not allowed.

COLOUR: Black or dark brown with rust - red, tan - red, clearly limited and clean markings. Markings are located on the face in the form of spots on the cheeks and over the upper eyelids, throat, chest, in the form of two spots on the pasterns, metatarsus and feet, on the inner thighs, around the anus and the ischial tuberosity.

Height at the withers: males: 68 - 72 cm.
bitches: 63 - 68 cm.
Preferred average growth.
Weight: males: about 40 - 45 kg.
for females: about 32 - 35 kg.

FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing provisions should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be assessed should proportionate to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

• General appearance: Insufficient expressed sexual type .. Lack of substance. Too easy or too hard to build. Snub on his feet. Weak bones.
• Head: Too massive, too narrow, too short, too long, too sharp or smooth the transition from forehead to muzzle; "Roman" (hunchback) nose, lack of parallelism of the upper lines of the head, too pronounced cheekbones, weak lower jaw, round or slit-shaped, protruding or too deeply set, light eyes, too high or too low set ears, hanging lips, mouth open corners.
• Neck: Short, disproportionately long. Availability suspension, dewlap, deer neck.
• Body: Too long. Weak, sagging, carps back, croup, excess or lack of rib, insufficient depth or width of chest, severe enough forechest, too high or too low set tail, the bottom line of the abdomen is not enough or too much tightened.
• Limbs: Not enough or too pronounced angulation front or hindquarters, "free" elbows, deviating from the standard position of the joints and the length of the bones, clubfoot or toes-out, black-eyed, barrel-shaped or approximation of back limbs, loose or soft paws, dewclaws, bright claws.
• Coat: Too light, clearly limited, unclean (smearing) fallen, too dark mask, large dark spots on my feet, barely noticeable or too wide fallen on his chest. Long, soft, matte, wavy hair, as well as areas with sparse hair or bare. Large curls hair, noticeable undercoat.
• Character: Lack of self-confidence, excessive temperament, excessive malice, aggression, too low or too high a threshold of excitability.
• Height: The deviation from the standard growth 2cm to cause a downgrade of the exterior.
• Gait / movement: Shaky, mincing related gait and pacing.


• Shyness or aggressiveness, choleric.
• Common defects: Explicit sexual deviation from type.
• Eyes: Yellow (bird of prey eye), eyes of different colors.
• Jaws: Overshot, straight (pincer) bite, bite, missing teeth.
• Coat: The presence of white spots is clearly a long and wavy hair, sparse coat, large bare patches.
• Height: Dogs with a standard deviation of more than 2 cm in one direction or another.

Dog with obvious deviations from physical or behavioral standard shall be disqualified.

Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


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